Rydym am gadw at oriau agor a chau arferol yr ysgol yn ystod cynhadledd NATO. Rydym yn cynghori rhieni i adael mwy o amser nag arfer i deithio i ac o'r ysgol ar Fedi'r 4ydd a 5ed.
Os yw'n bosib i chi gerdded eich plant i ac o'r ysgol ar Fedi'r 4ydd a 5ed, yna annogwn chi i wneud hynny.
Mae na bosibiliad cryf y bydd y bysys yn hwyrach yn cyrraedd yr ysgol ac yn hwyrach yn dychwelyd o'r ysgol ar y dyddiadau yma.
We will be keeping to the school's usual opening and closing times during the NATO summit. We advise parents to allow more time for journeys to and from school on September 4th and 5th.
If it is at all practical for you to walk your children to and from school on these dates, then please do so.
There is a strong possibility that the school buses will be later arriving at the school and in reaching their destinations on these dates.
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