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Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol






Ysgol Gymraeg Coed-Y-Gof

Additional Learning needs Policy



Chair of governors:   




Date :  April 2018


Review:April 2019









Whole School SEN Policy and Policy for SRB


1.GwybodaethGefndirol amyr YsgolBackground Information about the School


Ysgol cyfrwng Cymraeg ywYsgolCoedYGof.Coed Y Gof School is a Welsh-medium school. Ar hyn o bryd mae 353o blant rhwng 4 ac 11 oed ar y gofrestr, 50.2% ohonynt yn fechgyn a 49.8%yn ferched.Currently, there are 335 children aged 4 to 11 on roll, Mae 27% yn gymwys i gael cinio am ddima30% o'r disgyblion ar y gofrestr AAA.23% qualify for free lunch and 25% of pupils are on the SEN register.Mae'rysgol yn ardal Pentrebaen o ddinas Caerdydd, ond eto, daw rhan fwyaf o'rplant ar fws o Drelai a Chaerau.The school is in the Pentrebane area of Cardiff, most of the children travel by bus from the Ely and Caerau area. Mae Trelai a Caerau yn ardaloedd 'Cymunedau'nGyntaf' sydd hebysgol Gymraeg eu hun ar hyn o brydond bydd Ysgol Gymraegyn agor yn Caerau ymmisMedi 2010.Ely and Caerau areas are Communities First areas.


Coed Y Gof yw'r unig Ysgol Gymraeg yng Nghaerdydd sydd a Chanolfan Adnoddau Arbenigol ynddi ar gyfer addysgu plant syddyn destun Datganiad AAAag anghenion dwys.Coed Y Gof is the only Welsh-medium School in Cardiff with a Specialist Resource Base (SRB) for the teaching of children who are subject to a Statement of SEN with severe needs. Nid yw'n bosib i'rIt is not possible for thesedisgyblion yma dderbyneu haddysg llawn amser yn ybrifffrwd. pupils to be taught full time in the main stream classes. The base can take up to 10 pupils from Welsh-medium schools across the city. Ar hyn o bryd mae 7 o blant ynaelodau llawn amser o'r Ganolfan.Currently 9 children are full-time members of the SRB.


2.Cod Ymarfer Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig CymruSpecial Educational Needs Code of Practice for Wales


Daeth y Cod Ymarfer hwn i rym ar Ebrill y cyntaf 2002 gan ddisodli Cod 1994. (Bydd y dyletswydd i roi sylw i'r Cod hwn yn parhau tra pery'r Cod mewn grym – gweler Rhan IV o Ddeddf Addysg 1996.)This Code of Practice came into force on April 1st 2002 replacing the Code of 1994. (The duty to address this Code will continue while the Code is in force - see Part IV of the 1996 Education Act)


Mae'r Cod yn rhoi cyngor ymarferol i:The Code gives practical advice to:

  • Awdurdodau LleolLocal Authorities
  • ysgolion a gynhelirmaintained schools
  • sefydliadau blynyddoedd cynnarearly years organizations
  • ac erailland others

Yngln â chyflawni eu dyletswyddau statudol i:On fulfilling their statutory duties to:

  • ganfodanghenion addysgol arbennig plantidentifying special educational needs children
  • asesuanghenion addysgol arbennig plantassess children's special educational needs
  • a gwneuddarpariaethar eu cyfer.and make provision for them.



3.Diffiniad o Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig:Definition of Special Educational Needs:


Mae gan blant anghenion addysgol arbennig os oes ganddynt anhawster dysgu sy'n golygu ei bod yn ofynnol gwneud darpariaeth addysgol arbennig ar eu cyfer.Children have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty that requires them to make special educational provision.


Mae gan blant anhawster dysgu:Children have a learning difficulty:

(a)(a)os ydynt yn cael anhawster i ddysgu sy'n sylweddol fwy na'r anhawster a gaiff y rhan fwyaf o blant yr un oed;if they have difficulty learning that significantly exceeds the difficulty of most children of the same age;neuor


(b)(b)os oes ganddynt anabledd sy'n eu hatal….rhag gwneud defnydd o gyfleusterau addysgol o fath a ddarperir yn gyffredinol i blant o'r un oed mewn ysgolion yn ardal yr awdurdod lleol………if they have a disability that prevents them ... make use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided to children of the same age in schools in the local authority area .........

Mae darpariaeth addysgol arbennig yn golygu:


Special educational provision means:


(a)(a)fi blant dwy oed neu drosodd, darpariaeth addysgol sy'n ychwanegol at y ddarpariaeth addysgol a wneir fel rheol ar gyfer plant o'u hoedran mewn ysgolion a gynhelir gan yr ALl yn yr ardal, ar wahân i ysgolion arbennig, neu'n wahanol mewn rhyw ffordd arall i'r ddarpariaeth honno……..or children aged two or over, educational provision that is additional to the educational provision normally made for children of their age in schools maintained by the LA in the area, other than special schools, or different in some other way to that provision ...... ..Gweler Adran 312, Deddf Addysg 1996See Section 312, Education Act 1996


Oherwydd yr ystod o anghenion arbennig - o'r rhai lleiaf difrifol i'r mwyaf difrifol, mae angen ystod cymesurol o ddarpariaeth ar gyfer anghenion arbennig, gan amrywio o'r ychydig i lefel ddwys o gefnogaeth.Due to the range of special needs - from the least serious to the most serious, a proportionate range of provision for special needs is needed, ranging from the slightly to an intense level of support. Mae hawl gan ddisgyblion ag anghenion addysgol arbennig fod yn aelodau cyflawn o gymdeithas yr ysgol gyda phob cyfle a phrofiad addysgol yn agored iddynt.Pupils with special educational needs are entitled to be full members of the school with every opportunity and educational experience open to them. Lle bo'n briodol, a chan gymryd dymuniadau eu rhieni/ gofalwyri ystyriaeth, dylaimwyafrif y plantag anghenion addysgol arbenniggael ei haddysgu ochr yn ochr â'u cyfoedion yn y brif ffrwd.Where appropriate, and taking the wishes of their parents/ carers into account, the majority of children with special educational needs will be educated alongside their peers in mainstream. Yn yr un modd dylai disgyblion y Ganolfan gael pob cyfleposibl, lle bo'n briodol,igael eu haddysgu yn y brif ffrwd acifod yn aelodau cyflawn o gymdeithas yr ysgol.Similarly, the SRB’s pupils should have every possible opportunity, where appropriate, to be educated in the mainstream and to be complete members of the school.


Mae'nofynnol i ystyried yCod Ymarfer Hawliau Anabledd ar gyfer Ysgolionochr yn ochr â'r Cod Ymarfer AAA.It is necessary to consider the Disability Rights Code of Practice for Schools alongside the SEN Code of Practice.


Er mwyn cyflawni nod ac amcanion yr ysgol, a sicrhau bodpob disgyblyn elwa'n llawn o'r profiad addysg yn YsgolCoed y Gof, rhaid darparu'n llawn ar gyfer pob disgybl sydd ag anghenion addysgol arbennig.In order to achieve the school's aims and objectives, and ensure that all pupils benefit fully from the education experience at Ysgol Coed y Gof, all pupils with special educational needs must be fully provided for.


Pwrpas y polisi hwn, ochr yn ochr â Llawlyfr AnghenionAddysgol Arbennig Coed y Gofa Llawlyfr Y Ganolfan Adnoddau Arbenigol, yw disgrifio'r trefniadau a gweithdrefnau a fydd yn sicrhau bod disgyblion â chanddynt anghenionaddysgol arbennigyn derbyn cynhaliaeth briodol fel y gallant gyfranogi'n llawn o gwricwlwm cyflawn, eang a chytbwys a gwahaniaethol yr ysgol gan ddatblygu hyd eithaf eu gallu o fewn y cwricwlwm hwn.The purpose of this policy, alongside the Coed y Gof Special Educational Needs Handbook and the Specialist Resource Centre Handbook, is to describe the arrangements and procedures that will ensure that pupils with special educational needs receive appropriate support so that they can participate fully in the schools complete, broad and balanced and differentiated curriculum developing to the best of their ability within this curriculum.


Mae darparu ar gyfer plant sydd ag AAAyn fater i'r ysgol gyfan.Provision for children with SEN is a whole-school issue. Mae pob athro yn athro ar blant ag AAA.All teachers are teachers of children with SENFelly, mae dysgu plant fel hyn yn gyfrifoldeb i'r ysgol gyfan, a rhaid i'r ysgol gyfan ymateb.. Thus, children's learning in this way is the responsibility of the whole school, and the whole school must respond.


Yn ganolog i waith pob dosbarth ceir cylch parhaus o gynllunio, addysgu, asesu a gwerthuso sy'n cymryd holl alluoedd, doniau a diddordebau'r disgyblion i ystyriaeth.At the heart of each class's work there is a continuous cycle of planning, teaching, assessment and evaluation that takes into account all pupils' abilities, talents and interests. Bydd y rhan fwyaf o ddisgyblion yn dysgu ac yn gwneud cynnydd o fewn y trefniadau hyn.Most pupils will learn and make progress within these arrangements.


The SEN Gweithredir y Polisi AAAmewn cytgord â pholisïau eraill yr ysgol, yn arbennig Polisia ChynllunCydraddoldeb, Polisi Addysgu a Dysgu, PolisiYmddygiad, Polisi Asesu ac Adrodd,Cynllun Hygyrchedd.Policy is implemented in harmony with other school policies, in particular the Equality Policy and Scheme, Teaching and Learning Policy, Behaviour Policy, Assessment and Reporting Policy, Accessibility Plan.



4.Nodau'r polisi AAAAims of the SEN policy


  • darparu cwricwlwm addas ar gyfer pob disgybl unigol a all fod ag anghenion addysgol arbennig ar hyd neu yn ystod ei yrfaYsgolproviding an appropriate curriculum for each individual pupil who may have special educational needs along or during their career at the school.
  • sicrhau bod y disgybl yn derbyn profiad addysg mor eang achytbwys ag sy'n bosibl, gan warchod ei hawl i'r mynediadensure that the pupil receives as wide and balanced education experience as possible, protecting their entitlement to the fullest possible access to the National Curriculum
  • darparu cynhaliaeth addas ar gyfer disgyblion sydd ag AAAProvide suitable support for pupils with SEN
  • canfod, ymateb i, monitro a chloriannu'n rheolaiddanghenionaddysgol arbennigy disgybliondetect, respond to, monitor and regularly assessed pupils' special educational need.
  • ymateb i'r ystod gofynion yn hylaw a hyblyg, gan baratoi cynlluniau gwaith sydd yn cydnabod pwysigrwydd gwahaniaethu sydd yn rhoi cyfle i'r holl ddisgyblion lwyddo a chael eu hymestynrespond to the range of requirements manageably and flexibly, preparing schemes of work that recognize the importance of differentiation that gives all pupils the opportunity to succeed and to be extended
  • gwella sgiliau llythrennedd a rhifedd y disgyblionimprove pupils' literacy and numeracy skills
  • gwellahunanddelwedd a hybu hyder y disgyblion drwy ddefnyddio systemau canmol yr ysgolimprove self-image and promote pupils' confidence by using school praising systems
  • dyrannu a defnyddio adnoddau yn bwrpasolallocate and use resources purposefully
  • addysgu disgyblion ag AAAochr yn ochr a'u cyfoedion yn y brif ffrwd, lle bo hynny'nteach pupils with SEN alongside their peers in the mainstream, where that isaddas, a chan ystyried dymuniadau rhieni/ gofalwyra'r disgybl appropriate, and taking into account the wishes of parents/carers and the pupil
  • sefydlua meithrin partneriaeth a chydweithrediad sydd mor llawn a phosibl rhwng disgyblion, eu rhieni,yr ALl,establish and foster a partnership and co-operation that is as full as possible between pupils, their parents, the LA, external agencies, primary schools of the catchment area and the Plasmawr Comprehensive School - to maximize all pupilscanfod ac asesu anghenion y disgybl mor fuan ag sy'n bosibl, gan ddilyn a gweithredu ar unrhyw wybodaeth gychwynnol ac ymgynghori ymlaen llaw â'r cylch meithrin a fynychodd y disgybl,’ potential??
  •  identify and assess the needs of the pupil as soon as possible, following and act on any initial information and pre-consultation with the cylch meithrin that the pupil attended,er mwyn sicrhau dilyniant yn y ddarpariaeth to ensure continuity in provision
  • darparu rhaglen HMS ystyrlon a pharhaol ar gyferprovide a meaningful and lasting INSET program forLlywodraethwyr yr ysgol, y pennaeth a'r tîm arwain, School governors, the head teacher and the leadership team,athrawon, athrawon cynnal a chynorthwywyr dysgu i ddatblygu teachers, support teachers and learning assistants to developgwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth er mwyn darparu'r addysg orau knowledge and understanding to provide the best educationbosibl i ddisgyblion ag AAA for pupils with SEN.
  • sicrhau fod yna gyfle cyfartal i'r disgyblion sydd ag AAAyn unol a Pholisi Cyfle Cyfartal yr ysgolensure that pupils with SEN have equal opportunities in accordance with the school's Equal Opportunities Policy
  • sefydlu'r egwyddor fod gan bob aelod o staff gyfrifoldeb dros blant ag AAAestablish the principle that all staff have responsibility for children with SEN
  • dangos parch tuag atynt fel unigolion a sicrhau amgylchedd gweithgar a sefydlog tu fewn a thuallani'r dosbarth gan ddilyn prif nodau'r ysgolshow them respect as individuals and ensure active and stable environment inside and outside the classroom following the main aims of the school
  • hyrwyddo medrau cymdeithasol a helpu'r disgyblion i gyrraedd safon dderbyniol o ran ymddygiadpromote social skills and help pupils achieve an acceptable standard of behaviour
  • cynnwys y rhienia gofalwyrmewn partneriaeth weithredol oddi fewn yrThe involvement of parents and carers in an active partnership within theysgol school
  • cynnwys y disgybl wrth asesu a gwneud penderfyniadauinvolve the pupil when assessing and making decisions



NodauYchwanegolyGanolfan Adnoddau Arbennig:Extra Notes for the Special Resource Base:


  • sefydlua meithrin partneriaeth a chydweithrediad sydd mor llawn a phosibl rhwng disgyblion, eu rhieni / gofalwyr, yr ALl, asiantaethau allanol, ysgolion cynradd yr Awdurdod sy'n gysylltiedig a'r Ganolfan a'r Ganolfan Adnoddau Arbenigol yn Ysgol Gyfun Glantafestablish and foster a partnership and co-operation that is as full as possible between pupils, their parents / carers, the LA, external agencies, the Authority's primary schools associated with the Centre and the Specialist Resource Centre at Ysgol Gyfun Glantaf


  • sefydlu perthynas â Chanolfannau Adnoddau Arbenigolac ysgolion abennigeraill er mwyn rhannu arfer ddaEstablish relationships with other Specialist Resource Base and special schools to share good practice


5.Enw Cydlynydd AAA yr Ysgol sy'n gyfrifol am weithredu'r Polisi AAA o ddydd i ddyddThe School's ALN Co-ordinator is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of the SEN Policy


Mrs Brenda CulffMrs. Brenda Culff


B AddB Ed Science

OCR Level 5 certificate in teaching pupils with specific Learning difficulties


Y CydlynyddAAAsy'n gyfrifol:


The ALN Co-ordinator is responsible for:


• overseeing the day-to-day operation of this policy.

• co-ordinating the provision for and managing the responses to children’s  

special needs.

• monitoring to ensure an agreed, consistent approach is adopted.

• working in partnership with class teachers to identify and support pupils

with SEN.

• contributing to the in-service training of staff and presentations to governors.

• contributing to the development of joint and detailed assessments and

observations of pupils with specific learning problems.

• managing the records of all children with special educational needs.

• supporting class teachers in devising strategies, drawing up Individual

  Education Plans (IPPs,IEPs/IBPs), setting targets appropriate to the needs

of the pupils, and advising on appropriate resources and materials for use

with pupils with SEN and on the effective use of materials and personnel in

the classroom.

• supporting in the training of class teachers to develop the use of Person Centred  

  Planning approaches and the phased introduction of Individual Development Plans

  (IDPs) in line with the new SEN Code of Practice for Wales which is

expected for September 2020.

• liaising closely with parents of pupils with SEN, so that they are aware of

the strategies that are being used and are involved as partners in the


• liaising with outside agencies, arranging meetings, completing

documentation and providing a link between these agencies, class teachers

and parents

• maintaining the school’s SEN register and records.

• transferring records and liaising with SENCos from transferring schools

• assisting in the monitoring and evaluation of progress of pupils with SEN

  Through the use of existing school assessment information, e.g. class-

based assessments/records, end of year TA and standardised tests.

• managing learning support staff/teaching assistants.

• liaising with the SENCOs in Ysgol Plasmawr and Ysgol Glantaf and cluster

feeder primary schools to ensure high quality transition arrangements.

• to arrange review meetings including Annual Reviews.

• support and professional development:

- maintain own knowledge and skills at a high level in order to advise,

support and inform curriculum leaders, Class teachers, Support

  Teachers and TAs.

- contribute to the in-service training of staff.

• Liaise with parents and carers of SEN and inform them of the progress made

by their child.  To liaise with the pupils with SEN and make sure they are also involved in the decision making process

• ensure that parents are aware of local parent partnership services

am gysylltu a thrafod gyda'r disgyblion sydd ag A AA a sicrhau eu bod hefyd yn rhan o'r broses o wneud penderfyniadauTo liaise with the pupils with SEN and ensure that they are also involved in the decision-making process

  • am gyfrannu at hyfforddiant mewn swydd y staffam gysylltu a thrafod gydag asiantaethau allanol gan gynnwys y Gwasanaethau Cyrhaeddiad a Seicoleg Addysg yr ALl, Gwasanaethau Iechyd a Chymdeithasol a chyrff gwirfoddolam ddatblygu strategaethau'r ysgol ar gyfer canfod, monitro ac adolygu plant ag A AA to develop the school's strategies for identifying, monitoring and reviewing children with SEN
  • am gynllunio a chydlynu darpariaeth A AAMaintain a provision map for planning and coordinating SENam gyllid yr Adran a sicrhau bod yr adnoddau sydd ar gael yn gydnaws ag A AA y disgyblionam drefnu cyfarfodydd adolygiad gan gynnwys adolygiadau blynyddol.
  • am sicrhau cysylltiad agos gyda'r ysgolion meithrin - er mwyn casglu gwybodaeth a sicrhau dilyniant yn y ddarpariaeth ar gyfer disgyblion ag A AAensure close contact with the nursery schools - in order to gather information and ensure continuity of provision for pupils with SEN.am weithio'n agos â'r Athrawonisicrhau fod anghenion plant ag AAAyn cael eu hystyried wrth baratoi ac addasu cynlluniau gwaith


Mae'r Cydlynydd AAA, mewn ymgynghoriad â'r Pennaeth a'r Corff Llywodraethu, yn chwarae rhan allweddol yn y gwaith o benderfynu ar ddatblygiad strategol y polisi a'r ddarpariaeth AAAyn yr ysgol er mwyn gwella cyflawniadau disgyblion sydd ag AAAThe ALNCo in consultation with the Headteacher and the Governing Body, plays a key role in determining the strategic development of the policy and the provision of SEN in the school to improve the achievements of pupils with SEN


The ALNCo Mae'r Cydlynydd AAAyn cydweithio âgaelodau eraill o'r Tim Arwain sy'n cynnwysy Dirprwy acArweinwyryCyfnodau Allweddol works with other members of the Leadership Team that includes the Deputy and Leaders of the Key Stages i sicrhau bod yr un flaenoriaeth yn cael ei rhoi i addysg pob plentyn, a bod yr adnoddau sydd ar gael yn cael eu defnyddio yn y modd sy'n creu'r effaith fwyaf.to ensure that every child's education is given the same priority, and that the resources available are used in the way that maximizes the impact.


Mae'r Cydlynydd AAA yn cydwethio'n agos gyda Athrawes Arbenigol y Ganolfan Adnoddau Arbenigol i sicrhau yr un flaenoriaeth i'r disgyblion sy'n perthyni'r Ganolfan.The ALNCo co-ordinates closely with the Specialist Resource Base Specialist Teacher to ensure the same priority for the pupils belonging to the SRB.


Mae'r Cydlynydd AAAyn cydweithio'n agos gyda Athrawon Arbenigol y Sir.The ALNCo works closely with the County Specialist Teachers. Cynhelir cyfarfodydd rheolaiddhefydgydar Athrawes Arbenigol y Ganolfan, yr athrawon cynnal sy'n gweithio gyda disgyblion o'r brif ffrwd a'rCynorthwywyrDysguAAA.Meetings are conducted regularly with the Specialist Teacher.


6.Cynhaliaeth ychwanegol oddi wrth y Gwasanaeth Cyrhaeddiad:Extra Maintenance from the Attainment Service:


Defnyddir y Gwasanaeth yma yn ôl y canllawiau a osodir gan yr Awdurdod.This Service is used in accordance with the guidelines set by the Authority.Yn anffodus mae yna brindero staffdwyieithog i sicrhau darpariaeth addas trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg ar gyfer ein disgyblionyn yr holl feysydd gwahanol.


Amser i gydlynu AAA:

Time to co-ordinate SEN:


Mae angen amser i'r CAAA gysylltu ag athrawon , athrawon cynnal, cynorthwywyr dysgu, rhieni / gofalwyr , disgyblion, aelodau o Wasanaethau Cyrhaeddiad sy'n cynnwys y Seicoleg ydd , Gwasanaethau Iechyd a Chymdeithasol a chyrff gwirfoddol i gynllunio, cydlynu a monitro'r ddarpariaeth ar gyfer disgylbion ag A AA .The ALNCo needs time to contact teachers, support teachers, learning assistants, parents / carers, pupils, members of Attainment Services that include the Educational Psychologist, Health and Social Services and voluntary organizations to plan, co-ordinate and monitor the provision for pupils with SEN. From April 2018 that the ALNCo will have approximately 10 hours a week to do this. The ALNCo will also have class responsibility for 3 days. (The ALNCo also has other responsibilities as a member of the Senior Leadership Team that includes designated person for LAC pupils as well as one of the deputy’s for child protection).



Y trefniadau ar gyfer cydgysylltu darpariaeth addysgol ar gyfer disgyblion ag AAAThe arrangements for co-ordinating educational provision for pupils with SEN


Diffinio'r angen am gynhaliaeth ychwanegol yn YsgolGymraeg Coed y Gof:Define the need for additional support at Ysgol Gymraeg Coed y Gof:

Mae gan blant anghenionaddysgol arbennigos oes ganddynt anhawster dysgu,anhawster dysgu penodol,anhawster meddygol, anhawster corfforol neu nam are eu synhwyrau sy'n golygu ei fod yn ofynnol gwneud darpariaeth addysgol arbennig ar eu cyfer neu os oes ganddynt broblemau ymddygiadol neu emosiynol.

      Children have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty, a particular learning difficulty, a medical difficulty, a physical or sensory impairment that requires them to make special educational provision or have behavioural or emotional problems.




Rhaid peidio ag ystyried bod gan blant anhawster dysgu dim ond oherwydd bod yr iaith neu ffurf yr iaith a ddefnyddir yn y cartref yn wahanol i'r iaith y cânt eu haddysgu ynddi.Children must not be considered as having a learning difficulty only because the language or form of the language used in the home is different from the language in which they are taught.


Gall hyd y cyfnod a'r amser amrywio.The length of time and support needed can vary. Dros dro yn unig y bydd angen cynhaliaeth ar rai disgyblion.Some pupils will need temporary support only.


Daeth Rhan 2 o'r Ddeddf Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig ac Anabledd i rym ym Medi 2002. Mae'r fframwaith AAA yn gwneud darpariaeth addysgol arbennig i ddiwallu AAA disgyblion unigol a bydd fframwaith gwahaniaethu ar sail anabledd yn rhoi amddiffyniad i ddisgyblion anabl drwy atal gwahaniaethu yn eu herbyn ar sail anabledd ym myd addysg.Part 2 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act came into force in September 2002. The SEN framework makes special educational provision to meet SEN pupils and a disability discrimination framework will provide protection for disabled pupils by preventing discrimination in against them based on disability in education.


Enw llywodraethwr (neu lywodraethwyr) sy'n gyfrifol am AAA:The name of a governor (or governors) is responsible for SEN:


Mr Cerith Williams

Ms Zoe Smith(2008 - )Mr Cerith Willi


Cyfrifoldeb y Corff Llywodraethu:Responsibility of the Governing Body:

Mae gan gyrff llywodraethu pob ysgol a gynhelir, dyletswyddau statudol pwysig tuag at ddisgyblion ag AAA.The governing bodies of all maintained schools have important statutory duties towards pupils with SEN.


Dylai'r Corff Llywodraethu, ynghyd â'r Pennaethbenderfynu ar bolisi ac ymdriniaeth gyffredinol yr ysgol o ran diwallu AAAy disgyblion hynny sy'n destun datganiad a'r rhai nad ydynt yn destun datganiad.The Governing Body, together with the Headteacher, should decide on the school's general policy and approach in meeting the SEN of those pupils who are the subject of a statement and those who are not the subject of a statement.


Rhaid iddynt sefydlu:They must establish:

  • trefniadau staffiostaffing arrangements
  • cyllido priodolappropriate funding
  • a goruchwylio gwaith yr ysgoland oversee the work of the school

Rhaid i'r Corff Llywodraethu felly:The Governing Body must therefore:

  • wneud ei orau i sicrhau bod y ddarpariaeth angenrheidiol yn cael ei gwneud ar gyfer unrhyw ddisgybl sydd ag AAAdo its best to ensure that the necessary provision is made for any pupil with 


  • sicrhau bod pawb sy'n debygol o ddysgu disgyblion sydd ag AAAyn ymwybodol o'u hanghenionEnsure everyone who is likely to learn pupils with SEN is aware of their needs
  • sicrhau bod athrawon yn yr ysgol yn ymwybodol a bwysigrwydd canfod disgyblion sydd ag AAAa darparu ar eu cyferEnsure that teachers in the school are aware and the importance of identifying

and providing for pupils with SEN

  • ymgynghori â'r ALl a chyrff llywodraethu ysgolion eraill er budd darpariaeth addysg arbennig yn yr ardal gyfanconsult with the LA and other governing bodies of schools for the benefit of special education provision in the area as a whole
  • sicrhau bod disgyblion sydd ag AAAyn ymuno yng ngweithgareddau'r ysgol gyda'u cyfoedionensure that pupils with SEN join in the school's activities with their peers
  • adrodd yn flynyddol i rieni ar weithrediad polisi'rysgol ar gyfer disgyblion ag AAAReport annually to parents on the implementation of the school's policy for

pupils with SEN

  • dalu sylwsylw i'r Cod Ymarfer wrth gyflawni ei ddyletswyddau tuag at bob disgybl sydd ag AAAPay attention to the Code of Practice in discharging its duties towards all pupils with SEN
  • sicrhau yr hysbysir rhieni os bydd yr ysgol yn penderfynu gwneud darpariaeth AAAar gyfer eu plentynensure that parents are notified if the school decides to make provision SEN for their child


Gweithredu dyletswyddau'r Corff Llywodraethu:Implementing the duties of the Governing Body:


Y Corff Llywodraethu i benodi un person i fod yn gyfrifol dros fonitro darpariaeth AAAyr ysgol.The Governing Body to appoint one person to be responsible for monitoring the school's SEN provision.


Bydd y Llywodraethwr AAAyn cydweithio â'r Pennaeth a'r Tîm Arwain i weithredu'r polisi.The Governor for SEN will work with the Headteacher and the Lead Team to implement the policy. Bydd y Cydlynydd AAAyn trefnu cyfarfod ffurfiol un neu ddwy waith y flwyddyn (yn ôl y galw) gyda'r Llywodraethwr sy'n gyfrifol am AAA.The ALNCo will arrange a formal meeting one or two times a year (as the case may be) with the Governor responsible for SEN.

Y Corff Llywodraethuifod ynghlwm â'r broses o lunio ac adrodd yn ôl ar y

The Governing Body to be involved in the process of compiling and reporting on the

polisi ac i gymeradwyo unrhyw newidiadau.policy and to approve any changes.


Cyfrifoldeb y Pennaeth:Responsibility of the Headteacher:

Y Pennaeth sy'n gyfrifol am y ddarpariaeth ar gyfer plant sydd ag AAA.The Headteacher is responsible for the provision for children with SEN. Dylai roi gwybodaeth lawn i'r Corff Llywodraethu a chydweithio'n agos â Chydlynydd AAAyr ysgol.It should provide the Governing Body with full information and work closely with the school's ALNCo.


Cyfrifoldeb yr Athrawon Dosbarth:Responsibility of the Class Teacher:

  • i gynllunio, addysgu, asesu a gwerthuso holl weithgareddau'r dosbarth gan gymryd holl alluoedd, doniau a diddordebau'r disgyblion i ystyriaethto plan, teach, assess and evaluate all class activities taking into account all pupils' abilities, talents and interests
  • o dan arweiniad y CAAA i lunio, gweithredu a gwerthuso proffiliau / cynlluniau addysg unigol ar gyfer disgyblion sydd ag AAA yn eu dosbarthiadauunder the guidance of the ALNCo to draw up, implement and evaluate individual education profiles / plans for pupils with SEN in their classes
  • bod â rhan yn y gwaith o ddatblygu polisi AAAyr ysgol a'i weithredube involved in the development and implementation of the school's SEN policy
  • bod yn hollol ymwybodol o drefniadau'r ysgol ar gyfer canfod ac asesu disgyblion sydd ag AAAa darparu ar eu cyferare fully aware of the school's arrangements for identifying and assessing pupils with SEN and provide for themgwneud defnydd o'r daflen gyfeirio er mwyn hysbysu'r CAAA o anghenion unigolion sy'n eu gofal
  • bod yn barod i dderbyn HMS a mynychu cyrsiau a ddarperir gan yr ysgol, yr awdurdod neu asiantaeth arallbe prepared to receive INSET and attend courses provided by the school, authority or other agency


YCynorthwywyr Dosbarth:The Classroom Assistants:

NodCoed y Gofyw i addysgu disgyblion ag AAAochr yn ochr a'u cyfoedion yn y brif ffrwd, lle bo hynny'n addas.Coed y Gof goal is to teach pupils with SEN alongside their peers in mainstream, where appropriate. O ganlyniad mae rôl yCynorthwywyr yn holl bwysig.As a result the role of the Assistants is paramount. Cynigir cynhaliaeth yn y dosbarthiadau trwy dargedu disgyblion sydd ag AAA.Subsistence is offered in the classes by targeting pupils with SEN. Nod y Ganolfan hefyd i'w i gyfannu'r plant lle bo hynny'n addas gyda'u cyfoedion yn y brif ffrwd.The SRB also aims to integrate the children where appropriate with their peers in the mainstream.


Ar adegau mae disgyblion yn cael eu tynnu allan o ddosbarthiadau, dros dro yn unig, er mwyn canolbwyntio ar rai agweddau o'r gwaith mae'r disgyblion yn cael anhawster i'w deall, i wella sgiliau llythrennedd, i drafod cynnydd ac i helpu disgyblion i fagu hyder naill ai yn gyffredinol neu mewn maes penodol.Occasionally, pupils are withdrawn from classes, temporarily only, to focus on some aspects of the work that pupils have difficulty in understanding, to improve literacy skills, to discuss progress and to help Pupils gain confidence either generally or in a specific field. Ceisir sicrhau ym mhob achos fod yna ddilyniant rhwng cwricwlwm y dosbarth a'r gweithgareddau cynnal pan dynnir plant allan o'r dosbarth.It is sought to ensure that there is a sequence between the classroom curriculum and the maintenance activities when children are taken out of class.


Key workers are responsible for;

  • explaining to the child any notice or document required to be given or served by a local authority in respect of a child’s SEN.
  • To contact the LA casework on behalf of the child
  • To contact SNAP on behalf of the child
  • To keep appropriate records relating to the above


Defnydd o Rieni/ Gofalwyr / Gwirfoddolwyr:Use of Parents/ Carers /Volunteers:

Croesawir rhieni / darpar rhieni/ gofalwyra gwirfoddolwyro'r Gymunedi'n plith3 gwaith yr wythnos igynnig cymorth gyda'n cynlluniau i wella sgiliau llythrennedd ein disgyblion.Parents / prospective parents/ carers and volunteers from the Community are welcomed to us 2 times a week to help with our plans to improve the literacy skills of our pupils. (Cynllun darllen Gwirfoddolwyr/ volunteer reading scheme)


7.YTrefniadauDerbyn ar gyferDisgyblion ag AAA:7.Admission Arrangements


In line with the Equalities Act 2010, the admission arrangements for pupils with SEN are the same as for all other pupils.


Yn ystod y broses o lunio Datganiad mae gan rhieni yr hawl i ddweud pa un o ysgolion yr ALl yr hoffent i'w plentyn fynychu, un ai ysgol prifffrwd, Canolfan Adnoddau Arbenigolneu ysgol arbennig.During the process of drawing up a statement by the parents the right to say which one of LA school they wish their child to attend, either mainstream school an SRB or a special school. Mae'n rhaid i'r ALl gytuno â'u dewis, cyn belled ag y bydd:The LA must agree with their choice, provided that:

  • yr ysgol yn addas ar gyfer oedran, galluoedd, sgiliau ac AAAy plentynThe school is suitable for the child's age, abilities, skills and SEN
  • y bydd lleoli'r plentyn yn yr ysgol honno'n gwneud defnydd effeithlon o adnoddau'r ALl.that the placement of the child in that school will make efficient use of the LA's resources.


Os yw'r rhieni yn anghytuno â'r lleoliad neu unrhyw ran o'r broses o lunio'r Datganiad mae'n bosib iddynt gysylltu â'r Swyddog Enwebedig o fewn yr ALl am eglurhad, cysylltu â'r Gwasanaeth Datrys Anghytundeb, y Gwasanaeth Partneriaeth Rhieni lleol ac apelio o bosib i'r Tribiwnlys AAA.If the parents disagree with the location or any part of the process of compiling the Statement they may contact the Nominated Officer within the LA for clarification, contact the Disagreement Resolution Service, the Local Parent Partnership Service and potentially appeal to the SEN Tribunal. Pan fo'r rhieni a'r AALl yn gytûn, fel arfer eir ati i wneud y trefniadau derbyn rhwng y rhieni a'r ysgol sy'n derbyn y plentyn.When the parents and the LEA are in agreement, the admission arrangements are usually made between the parents and the school receiving the child. Yn y cyfarfod hwnnw, trafodir y manylion ymarferol yngln â derbyn y plentyn i'r ysgol honno.At that meeting, the practical details regarding receiving the child to that school will be discussed.


Mae yna drefniadau penodol hefyd pan fo disgyblionprif ffrwdsydd ag AAAyn trosglwyddo o'r Ysgol Gynradd i Blasmawr gyda'r nod o hwyluso'r broses:There are also specific arrangements when mainstream pupils with SEN transfer from Primary to Plasmawr with the aim of facilitating the process:


Y CAAA ac aelod o'r TimCyfnod Allweddol 3 yn ymweld â'rysgol dwy waith i drafod unrhyw anawsterau sydd gan ddisgyblion blwyddyn 6 cyn iddyntadael:The SENCo and members of the Key Stage 3 Team visit the school twice to discuss any difficulties that year 6 pupils experience before leaving:


Y CAAAyntrafod anghenion disgyblion sydd ag AAA(Gweithredu gan yr Ysgol a Mwy) gyda'u rhieni naill ai ar y ffôn neu mewn cyfarfodydd ffurfiol.The SENCO will discuss the needs of pupils with SEN (School Action Plus) with their parents either by telephone or in formal meetings.


Y CAAA ac aelod o'r Tim Cyfnod Allweddol 3yn mynychu cyfarfodydd adolygiad blynyddol disgyblion sydd â Datganiadau ym mlwyddyn5 a 6.The SENCo and members of the Key Stage 3 Team attends annual review meetings of pupils with Statements in Years 5 and 6.


Y CAAA yn ystyried a yw'r ddarpariaeth sy'n gallu cael ei gynnig ar gyfer disgyblion sydd ag AAAym Mhlasmawr yn addas ar gyfer pob unigolyn - gall hyn olygu trafodaethau helaeth gyda staff Plasmawr, staff yr ysgol gynradd, rhieni ac asiantaethau allanol.The SENCo considers whether the provision that can be offered for pupils with SEN in Plasmawr is suitable for each individual - this may involve extensive discussions with Plasmawr staff, primary school staff, parents and external agencies .


Trosglwyddir gwybodaeth angenrheidiol / ffeiliau unigol am bob un disgybl ond gofynnir i athro Blwyddyn 6 neu CAAA yr ysgol gynradd lenwi taflen arall ar gyfer disgyblion sydd ag AAAa fydd o gymorth i'r CAAA wrth baratoi proffil unigol ohonynt ar gyfer Llawlyfr AAAyr Athro ym Mhlasmawr.Required information / individual files are transmitted for each pupil but the primary school Year 6 teacher or ALNCo is required to complete another leaflet for pupils with SEN which will assist the SENCo in preparing their individual profile for Teachers at Plasmawr(Gweler y Taflenni Trosglwyddo Gwybodaetha copi o'r Cynllun Trosglwyddo. Naturally, the Primary school is also expected to transfer the IEPs to ensure continuity in provision.


Cynhelir cyfarfodydd un prynhawn y tymor ym Mhlasmawr ar gyfer Cydlynwyr AAAyr ysgolion cynradd i drafod ac i weithio ar y cyd i wella'r ddarpariaeth ar gyfer disgyblion ag AAAac i hwyluso'r pontio cynradd / uwchradd o safbwynt AAA.Meetings are held on a termly basis in Plasmawr for SEN/ALN Coordinators of the feeder primary school to discuss and to work together to improve provision for pupils with SEN and to facilitate the primary / secondary transition in terms of SEN.(Gwelery cofnodion yn y Llawlyfr)


(Gweler ytrefniadau derbyn a'rdrefn trosglwyddo ar gyfer plant y Ganolfan isod)(See the admission arrangements and the transfer system for the SRB pupils below)



8.Y Ganolfan Adnoddau ArbengiolThe Specilaist Resource Base


Lleolir yr unigGanolfan AdnoddauArbenigol cyfrwng Cymraeg Cynradd yn yr ysgol adisgwyliri'r disgybliondrosglwyddo i'rGanolfan Adnoddau Arbenigol cyfrwng Cymraeg Uwchradd yn Ysgol Gyfun Glantaf.The only Welsh medium Primary SRB for Cardiff is situated in school. It is expected that the pupils from SRB will transfer into the Welsh medium Secondary SRB at Glantaf. Some attend Plasmawr.


Ariennir staff y Ganolfan gan yr Awdurdod Lleol – gweler gopi o'r daflen lasariannuyn Llawlyfr y Ganolfan.Local Authority staff are funded by the Local Authority - see a copy of the funding leaflet in the SRB Handbook. Gweler hefyd gopi o'r 'Operational Agreement' sy'n cael ei lunio gan yr Awdurdod a'i gytuno gyda'r ysgol.See also a copy of the 'Operational Agreement' drawn up by the Authority and agree with the school.


Enw'r Athrawes Arbenigol sy'n arwain y Ganolfan:The Specialist Teacher in charge of the SRB is:


MissSianWilliamsMrs Sian James



BA Seicoleg2001BA Psychology 2001

Diploma ol raddedig mewn AwtistiaethGraduate Diploma in Autism

TAR 2004TAR 2004

MA (AAA) 2007 -MA (AAA)


Yr Athrawes Arbengiol sy'n gyfrifol am:The SRB Teacher is responsible for:


  • rheoli staff cynorthwyol y Ganolfanmanaging the SRB support staff
  • sicrhau, mewn cydweithrediad a'r Cydlynydd AAA, bod datganiadau disgyblionyn cael eu gweithredu'n effeithiol ac effeithlonensure, in conjunction with the ALNCo, that pupil statements are implemented effectively and efficiently
  • sicrhau bod asiantaethau perthnasol yn ymweld ac yn rhoi mewnbwn addas yn ol y galwEnsure that relevant agencies visit and provide appropriate input as required
  • drefnu profiadau perthnasol allgyrsiol i ddisgyblion y Ganolfanorganize extra-curricular experiences relevant to the SRB pupils
  • greu partneriaethau buddiol ag asiantaethau a chanolfannau addysgol eraillCreate helpful partnerships with agencies and educational centres
  • gyfathrebu a rhieni disgyblion y Ganolfan yn ddyddiol, os yn briodol, trwy ddefnyddio'r llyfr cyswlltcommunication and parents of the SRB's pupils on a daily basis, if appropriate,

by using the contact book

  • gadw cofnod o adnoddau'r Ganolfankeep a record of the SRB’s resources
  • greu cyfleodd i wahodd y rhieni mewn yn achlysurol i'r Ganolfaniweld gwaith y plant ac i gymdeithasua'i gilyddcreate opportunities to invite the parents occasionally to the SRB to see the children's work and to socialize with each other
  • gydweithiogyda staff y brif ffrwd er mwyn sicrhau bod disgyblion y Ganolfan yn cael eu cyfannu'n effeithiol a llwyddiannus gyda'i cyfoedion,mewn gwersi, amser chwarae, gwasanaethauagweithgareddau allgyrsiolwork with mainstream staff to ensure that the SRB pupils are effectively and successfully integrated with their peers, in lessons, playtime, extra-curricular services and activities
  • gydlynu'r sesiynau a gynigir yn dymhorol gan y Gwasanaeth Seicoleg Addysgco-ordinate the sessions offered termly by the Educational Psychology Service
  • drefnu / mynychu cyfarfodydd gan gynnwys adolygiadau blynyddol a chynhadleddau achosorganize / attend meetings including annual reviews and case conferences
  • gadw i fyny gyda datblygiadau mewn agweddau o anghenion dwys a throsglwyddo gwybodaeth sy'n briodol i'r staff gyfanKeep up with developments in aspects of intensive needs and transfer information that is appropriate to all staff


YTrefniadauDerbyn ar gyferDisgyblion y GanolfanAdmission Arrangements for the SRB Pupils


  • Mae mynediad i'r Ganolfan yn ddibynnol ar feini prawf Gwasanaeth Cyflawniad yr Awdurdod Lleol.Access to the SRB is dependent on the criteria of the Local Authority Achievement Service.Gall y Ganolfan gymryd hyd at 10 o ddisgyblion o ysgolion cyfrwng cynradd Cymraeg yr Awdurdod. The SRB can take up to 10 pupils from the Authority's Welsh medium primary schools.


YTrefniadadauTrosglwyddo o'r Ganolfan i'r GanolfanUwchradd yn Ysgol GlantafTransition arrangements from the Primary to Secondary

  • cydweithio'n agos gyda YsgolGyfun Glantaf I sicrhau fod yna gynllun trosglwyddo effeithiol yn ei lework closely with Ysgol Gyfun Glantaf (Ysgol Plasmawr) to ensure that there is an effective transition plan in place

· Secondary school staff have the opportunity to visit the pupils at Coed y Gof

· several visits to Ysgol Glantaf / Ysgol Plasmawr are arranged for the pupils

· Pupils from the Centre will also attend the transition days in the Secondary school with Year 6 pupils from the Glantaf feeder schools

  • specific targets are set for each visit
  • the parents / carers of pupils work closely together during the processGwelerNodau'r Polisi AAA-gyda'rAtodiad ar gyfer y Ganolfan



CynorthwywyrDosbarthsy'n gweithio yn y GanolfanClassroom Assistants working at the Centre


Enw/ CymwysterauEnw / CymwysterauName


Mr Alun EvansMr Alun Evans 20 awr(3 days TA 2 days teacher)

Mrs Rhian Salisbury

Miss Katie Sheehan

Miss Angharad Thomas

Mrs Catrin Kemp

BA Ffilm a Theledu


9.Cyfleusterau Arbennig sy'n Hwyluso Mynediad i'r Ysgol gan Ddisgyblion ag AAA10.Dyrannu Adnoddau i Ddisgyblion ag AAAAllocation of Resources for Pupils with SEN


Gweler gwybodaeth fanwl ar y modd y dyrennir cyllid AAA yn y Llawlyfr AAA a Llawlyfr y Ganolfan.See detailed information on the allocation of funding AAA in the SEN Handbook and the Centre  Handbook.Bydd y manylion yn newid o flwyddyn i flwyddyn.Details will change from year to year.


i) Adnoddau dynol:i) Human Resources:

Cydlynydd AAA

Co-ordinator ALN

Athrawes Arbenigol ar gyfery GanolfanSpecialist Teacher for the SRB

Athrawon CefnogiSupport teachers

CynorthwywyrDosbarthClassroom Assistants


Aelodau o'r Gwasanaeth Cyrhaeddiad gan gynnwysAchievement Service Members including

Athrawon Arbenigol a Seicolegwyr AddysgSpecialist Teachers and Educational Psychologists


ii) Adnoddau ar ffurf deunyddiau:ii) Materials in materials:

Offer, er enghraifft,Equipment, for example,

Deunyddiau arbenigol, er enghraifftcynllun Rhydychen iwella sgiliau llythrennedd a rhifedd.Specialist materials, for example Oxford scheme to improve literacy and numeracy skills.

Rainbow ReadersRainbow Readers

Rapid ReadersRapid Readers

Sioni'n SiaradRhaglen STARS CymraegWelsh STARS Program

Rhaglen SAIL CymraegWelsh SAIL Program

Llyfrgell o lyfrau Cymraeg a Saesneg addasLibrary of suitable Welsh and English books

Assessment materials –Prawf Glannau Menai  / NFER / Young's Tests

Parallel / Prawf Abertawe / Prawf Geirfa Bangor ac yn y blaen. Parallel / Swansea Test / Bangor Glossary Test/ YARK and so on.


11.Trefniadau Canfod ac Asesu a Gweithdrefnau AdolyguDetection and Assessment Arrangements and Review Procedures


Mae'r systemau cofnodi sydd eisoes ar gael yn cynnig modd i ddangos y camau bach o gynnydd a wneir gan blentyn ag AAA.The already available recording systems provide a means of showing the small steps of progress made by a child with SEN. Os yw athrodosbarthyn poeni am gynnydd disgybl mae yn cyfeirio'r disgybl i'r CAAA.If a class teacher is worried about the progress of a pupil he refers the pupil to the ALNCo. Gofynnir i'r athro / athrawes pwnc gadw cofnod manwl o gynnydd y disgybl ac fe dynnir sylw gweddill ystaff ynystod y cyfarfodyddstaff.The class teacher is required to keep a detailed record of the pupil's progress. Nodir AAAy disgybl ar sail ei gynnydd annigonol.A pupil's SEN is stated on the basis of insufficient progress.


Assessment resources may include:

• Welsh Government Reading and Numeracy Standardised Scores

• Non-verbal Standardised Scores

• YARK reading and comprehension

• Glannau Menai reading and comprehension

• Single Word Spelling Test: Young’s Parallel / GlannauMenai

• MALT (Maths Assessment for Learning and Teaching)

• Field Notes and summative assessments made by class teachers

• Reception Baseline Assessments, appropriate to each individual setting

• Foundation Phase teacher assessment levels

• KS2 teacher assessment levels

• Teacher assessment data recorded through INCERTS


Pwy sy'n gyfrifol am ganfod ac asesu?Who is responsible for identifying and assessing?

  • athrawondosbarth yny man cychwynclass teachers as the starting point
  • athro neu athrawes gynnal neu'r CAAA neu'r athrawes arbenigolsupport teacher or ALNCo or specialist teacher
  • gwasanaethau cefnogi allanol gan gynnwys seicolegydd addysg pan yw'n briodol (Gwasanaeth Cyrhaeddiad)external support services including an educational psychologist where appropriate (Attainment Service)


Dylai'r asesiad fod yn adlewyrchiad o'r plentyn cyfan, gan dynnu sylw at gryfderau yn ogystal ag anghenion, a dylai fod yn fan cychwyn ar gyfer datblygu cynllun addysg unigol i blentyn.The assessment should be a reflection of the whole child, highlighting strengths as well as needs, and should be a starting point for the development of an individual education plan for a child.


Rhaid cydnabod bod AAAplant ar gontinuwm ac y gallant, hefyd, newid dros amser.It must be acknowledged that children's SEN is continuous and that they can change over time. Bydd yna ymateb graddedig gan yr ysgol sy'n cydnabod bod disgyblion yn dysgu mewn gwahanol ffyrdd a'i bod yn bosibl bod ganddynt wahanol fathau neu lefelau o AAA.There will be a gradual response from the school that recognizes that pupils learn in different ways and that they may have different types or levels of SEN.


Pan ynhysbys fod gan ddisgybl AAAOnce known as a pupil SEN the Head, ALNCo and colleagues seek to:


  • sicrhau bod arddulliau dysgu'r plentyn yn cael eu cymryd i ystyriaethensure that the child's learning styles are taken into account
  • defnyddio'r wybodaeth oddi wrthyr Ysgol feithrinyn fan cychwyn ar gyfer datblygu cwricwlwm priodol ar gyfer y disgyblUse the information from the Nursery School as a starting point for developing an appropriate curriculum for the pupil
  • canfod sgiliau'r plentyn a chanolbwyntio sylw arnynt ac amlygu meysydd lle mae angen gweithredu'n fuan i gefnogi'r plentyn yn y dosbarthidentify and focus on the child's skills and highlight areas where action needs to be taken soon to support the child in class
  • sicrhau bod arsylwi ac asesu parhaus yn rhoi adborth rheolaidd i'r holl athrawon a'r rhieni am gyflawniadau a phrofiadau'r disgybl a bod canlyniadau'r asesu hwnnw yn sylfaen ar gyfer cynllunio'r camau nesaf yn addysg y disgyblensure that continuous observation and assessment provides regular feedback to all teachers and parents about the achievements and experiences of the pupil and that the results of that assessment form the basis for planning the next steps in the pupil's education
  • sicrhau y gwneir y mwyaf o gyfleoedd anffurfiol priodol i'r disgybl ddangos yr hyn y mae'n ei wybod, ei ddeall ac yn gallu ei wneudensure that the pupil has the most appropriate informal opportunities to show what he knows, understands and can do
  • cynnwys y disgybl yn y gwaith o gynllunio a chytuno ar dargedau i ddiwallu ei (h)anghenionInclude the pupil in planning and agreeing targets to meet their / her needs
  • cynnwys rhieni yn y gwaith o ddatblygu a gweithredu ffordd o ddysgu ar y cyd rhwng y cartref a'rYsgol, os yn briodolinvolve parents in the development and implementation of a way of joint learning between home and school, if appropriate


Gwneir ymdrech i sicrhau fod rheolaeth effeithiol, ethos ac amgylchedd dysgu'r ysgol, a'r trefniadau cwricwlaidd, bugeiliol a disgyblu yn helpu i atal rhai AAArhag codi, a gwneud eraill yn llai.Efforts are made to ensure that the effective management, ethos and school environment, curricular, pastoral and disciplinary arrangements help to prevent some SEN from raising, and lessen the impact of others.


Anogir yr athrawon i wahaniaethu'r gweithgareddau dysgu y tu mewn i fframwaith y cwricwlwmcynradder mwyn helpu i ddiwallu anghenion dysgu'r disgyblion i gyd.Teachers are encouraged to differentiate the learning activities inside the framework of the primary curriculum to help meet the learning needs of all pupils.


Ni ddylent gymryd yn ganiataol bod anawsterau dysgu disgyblion bob amser yn deillio'n llwyr, neu hyd yn oed yn bennaf, o broblemau'r plentyneihunan.They should not assume that pupils' learning difficulties always result solely, or even mainly, from the pupils problems itself.


Gall cyfraddau cynnydd disgyblion ddibynnu weithiau ar yr hyn a ddysgir iddynt, neu'r ffordd y cânt eu dysgu.Pupil progress rates can sometimes rely on what is taught, or how they are taught. Defnyddir y system fonitro mewnol i gadw golwg ar y sefyllfa.The internal monitoring system is used to keep track of the situation.


Mae arferion yr ysgol ei hun yn gwneud gwahaniaeth – er da neu er drwg – rhaid cadw hyn mewn golwg.The school's own practices make a difference - good or bad - this must be kept in mind.


Gellir rhoi sylw i wahaniaethu trwy ystyried natur ac amrywiaeth y gweithgareddau a'r gofynion deallusol sy'n cael eu rhoi ar y disgybl unigol.Discrimination can be addressed by considering the nature and variety of activities and the intellectual requirements placed on the individual pupil.


Anogir yr athrawon i gynllunio mewn ffordd hyblyg er mwyn cydnabod anghenion y disgyblion i gyd fel unigolion a sicrhau dilyniant, perthnasedd a gwahaniaethu.Teachers are encouraged to plan flexibly in order to recognize the needs of all pupils as individuals and ensure continuity, relevance and discrimination.



Anghenion a Gofynion Plant (Cod Ymarfer AAA Cymru):Children's Needs and Requirements (SEN Code of Practice for Wales):


Gall anghenion a gofynion plant ddisgyn io leiaf un obedwar maesa bydd gan lawer o blant anghenion cydgysylltiedig.Children's needs and requirements can fall to at least one of four areas and many children will have joined-up needs. Dylid talu sylw i effaith y cyfuniadau hyn ar allu'r plentyn i weithredu, dysgu a llwyddo.The impact of these combinations on the child's ability to act, learn and succeed should be addressed.


Ceir anghenion yn y meysydd canlynol:There are needs in the following areas:


  • Cyfathrebu a RhyngweithioCommunication and Interaction
  • Gwybyddiaeth a DysguCognition and Learning
  • Datblygiad Ymddygiadol, Emosiynol a ChymdeithasolBehavioural, Emotional and Social Development
  • Anghenion Synhwyraidd a/neu GorfforolSensory and / or Physical Needs

Mae angen ystyriedCyflyrau Meddygolhefyd os ydynt yn amharu ar fynediad y disgybl i'r cwricwlwmMedical Conditions also need to be considered if they disrupt the pupil's access to the curriculum



Canfod, Asesu a Darparu:Identification, Assessment and Provision:


  • cesglir dystiolaeth o arsylwadau ac asesiadau athrawonevidence is collected from teacher observations and assessments

· looking at their performance against the descriptions of National Curriculum levels

· standard screening and assessment methods are used

· the school will be open and happy to respond when parents express concern

· the school will respond to the pupil's own concern

  • the school will respond to concerns from other professionals
  • if the pupil is not progressing although he has had differentiated learning opportunities then the following steps will be needed


Gweithredu gan yr Ysgol:School Action:


A child might be moved to School Action as a result of:

• performance monitored by teacher as part of ongoing observation and assessment.

• outcomes from baseline assessment results.

• lack of progress in literacy or numeracy.

• standardised screening or assessment tools.

• Behavioural, Social or Emotional Difficulties etc.


The ALNCo will, in consultation with the class teacher:

• review all performance/assessment information.

• seek further advice if needed.

• draw up and implement Individual Education Plan / Play Plan collaboratively with

class teacher, TAs and parents, having regard for the views of the child.

• monitor progress.

• give advice to parents regarding support at home.

• liaise with external agencies as appropriate.


The IEP/IPP/IBP sets out the nature of the child’s difficulties, any additional to or different from provision, resources involved, frequency and type of support, nature of parental involvement, targets to be achieved, success criteria and a date for review. Support may be individual or group withdrawal, or in-class support, or monitoring (particularly in cases of BESD).


School Action Plus

At this level of need, the class teacher and the ALNCo will ensure that the child’s attainment at School Action level is monitored and reviewed. If the child continues to make little or no progress, has difficulties in acquiring key skills and concepts, has emotional or behavioural difficulties which regularly interfere with child’s own learning or that of peers, has sensory of physical needs requiring specialist input and resources or has ongoing communication or interaction difficulties, which impede the development of social relationships and cause substantial barriers to learning.


The ALNCo, after consultation with class teacher and parents, may access external specialist support via a PARM (Partnership Area Referral Meeting) to assess the needs of the child and provide appropriate support and advice. Class teachers will (with support from ALNCo) complete a PARM referral.


The ALNCo provides, with parental permission, external specialists with all relevant information on the child. Advice from support services is shared with parents and may be used to draw up a new IEP/IPP/IBP. Support may again be individual or group support, withdrawn or in-class support.


Reviews are arranged three times per year to monitor targets. Parents and external agencies, as appropriate, are invited to participate in the review, along 

with the ALNCo and class teachers and TAs. Action as a result of a review might involve another IEP/IPP/IBP at School Action Plus; a reversion to School Action with appropriate IEP/IPP/IBP or consideration for the need for statutory assessment.


Gall hyn arwain at ddisgybl i fod yn:This can lead to a pupil to be:


Statement of SEN:


(Gweler Pennod 6 yn y Cod Ymarfer am fanylion pellach a Llawlyfr y Gwasanaeth Cyrhaeddiad ar gyfer CriteriaAwdurdodCaerdydd)(See Chapter 6 in the Code of Practice for further details and the Attainment Service Manual forCardiffAuthorityCriteria)


Y CAAA fydd yn hysbysu'r rhieni pan adnabyddir AAA.

12.Trefniadau ar gyfer Darparu Mynediad i Ddisgyblion ag AAA i'r CwricwlwmArrangements for the Provision of Access to Pupils with SEN to the Curriculum


Mae holl ddisgyblionCoed y Gofyn derbyn mynediad i'r Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol ac er mwyn galluogi hyn mae yna athrawon cynnal / cynorthwywyrdosbarthar gael ar gyfer y disgyblion sy'n cael anhawster mewn rhai pynciau.All Coed y Gof pupils receive access to the National Curriculum and in order to enable this, support staff /classroom assistants are available for pupils experiencing difficulties in some subjects.


Disgwylir i gynlluniau gwaith yr athrawon ddangos yn glir sut maent yn darparu ar gyfer plant ag AAA.It is expected that the schemes of work and teachers show clearly how they provide for children with SEN.


Mae'r Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol yn cael ei wahaniaethu i ateb gofynion pob unigolyn.The National Curriculum is differentiated to meet the needs of each individual. Gofynnir i'r athrawon osod targedau tymor byr sy'n gyraeddadwy, a gyda chefnogaeth maent yn llwyddo i baratoi a chyflwyno cwricwlwm priodol.Teachers are asked to set short term goals that are achievable, and with support they succeed in preparing and delivering an appropriate curriculum.




13.13.Integreiddio Disgyblion ag AAA o fewn yr Ysgol GyfanIntegration of Pupils with SEN within the Whole School


Integreiddio Lleoliadol:Locational Integration:

Addysgir disgyblion ag AAAPupils with SEN are taught mainly alongside their peers in the mainstream, including the SRB’s pupils from time to time when appropriate.


Social Integration:

All the Coed y Gof pupils have suitable opportunities to ensure their social and emotional development. There will be opportunities for them to integrate during school visits and trips, residential courses, the school's Eisteddfod and sports and all extra-curricular activities during the day and out of school hours.


Functional Integration:

Access to the same curriculum as mainstream children. Supported pupils are integrated, if appropriate. See the SRB Handbook for further information on how these pupils access the National Curriculum.


Criteria for Evaluating the Success of the School's SEN Policy


The governing body's annual report must include information:

for the success of policy A AA

for significant changes in the policy

for any consultation with the LA, the Funding Authority and other schools

how resources were allocated for and among children with AAA over the



In commenting on the success of the policy, the report will show the effectiveness of the school's systems for:

identifying needs



inspection and record keeping

the use of maintenance services and external agencies.


Monitor the standards achieved by:


List at the beginning of each term the number of pupils with SEN ,including those in the SRB, looking at the level and type of support given to them to see the progress made and to act as necessary, altering any ineligible procedure


Examine pupils' work over Key Stage, for example, from Year 4 - 6 ensuring that the standards are relevant to the attainment targets for National Curriculum subjects, where this applies. It should also be looked at whether the current levels of attainment are relevant to the levels of attainment recorded at previous times, and whether they show progress. Also, do pupils' results show an increase in their knowledge, understanding and skills?


review each Individual Education Plan and Statement and adjust the program where necessary and look at examples of the pupil's work.


assess the attitude of the pupil towards work and his personal development, and whether he or she feels positive and safe at school


ask for parental views - verbally during parents' evenings and reviews


observe lessons to make judgments about the following:

* teacher expectations towards pupils with A AA

* is the work and the learning techniques appropriate and


* do pupils understand the purpose of learning

* whether they display oral, written and practical progress



look at the staffing, rooms and resources provision annually according to needs, looking at how any support staff are used


decide on appropriate INSET for the consecutive year


Complaints Procedure


If a parent is concerned about the decisions made about his/her child, or the type of support being received then the parent can express those concerns in the first place to the child’s teacher. Further concerns can be expressed to the Special Needs Co-ordinator or the Head Teacher. More serious concerns can be taken to the Governor who is responsible for Special Educational Needs.


In some cases, particularly those where decisions are taken by the LA, there are other agencies who will act on behalf of the parents.


SNAP Cymru,

45 Penarth Road, Cardiff CF1 5DJ, Tel: 01222 384868

Snap Cymru is a registered charity which offers free, independent and confidential advice to families of children and young people who have, or may have, special educational needs.

It also operates a “Named Person Scheme” and will support parents in expressing their views to the LEA, or at appeal tribunals.

6. Then it can keep a record of this decision with the documentation in the file




Pupils are welcome to express their feelings courteously, honestly and openly if they have a complaint or concerns. They can tell their class teacher, ALNCo, member of the Leadership Team or a staff member they feel comfortable in their company.

It will all be recorded: the anxiety, the actions and the outcome.



In-Service Training in School SEN / Staff Professional Development


A program of training for staff professional development is planned to help them work effectively with children with SEN.


The ALNCo will work with the LA Partnership Co -ordinator and attend the meetings for the Authority's AAA Primary Schools Co –ordinators termly.


All staff will need to be encouraged to extend their expertise to include children with SEN and allow them to attend suitable courses organized by the Authority.


Training for the Governor by the Authority and SENCO.


Training for the Teaching Assistants by the Authority and the SENCO


One-term training is arranged for the primary schools SENCo in Plasmawr.


Use of the SERVICEs - Achievement / Health & Social.


Specialist teachers are used for:

work with individual children

advise teachers on strategies to use with targeted children

Collaborate with the ALNCo to develop an Individual Work Program for



Use is also made of the Educational Psychology Service



Arrangements for Partnership with Parents


The ALNCo will inform parents by letter or by telephone when staff express concern about a pupil. Parents are invited to make an appointment to see the ALNCo during a parents' evening and to attend reviews to discuss the pupil's progress. This can follow when a parent also shows anxiety about a pupil's progress.


It will be necessary to discuss how the parents can help the pupil at home, for example, with homework and if applicable invite them to join the home reading scheme or home spelling scheme.


Parents are expected to meet the class teacher or the ALNCo two or three times a year to discuss progress and to adjust the IEP if appropriate.


Parents of pupils with a Statement of SEN will need to be invited for an Annual Review following the Authority's guidelines.


The new procedure outlined in the Code of Practice is followed.


Arrangements to transfer information when a pupil moves school:


The co-ordinator will work with the Head Teacher to ensure that the IEP of any pupil moving school and any other relevant information including the pupil's personal file is delivered with statutory assessments of pupil progress and reports. The co-ordinator will liaise with the SEN co-ordinator of the new school or headteacher in order to facilitate the transfer.



The Policy will be adapted annually by the ALNCo and reviewed regularly by the Governing Body.