Gwisg Ysgol / School Uniform
Mae'r wisg ysgol fel â ganlyn:
Addysg Gorfforol:-
Gellir prynu’r wisg swyddogol yn Designs & Signs (029 20666762) neu J.M.Textiles (029 20709688). Maent yn gwerthu bagiau ysgol ar gyfer llyfrau darllen a dillad Addysg Gorfforol yn ogystal.
Er mwyn diogelwch, ni chaniateir i ddisgyblion fynychu gweithgareddau ysgol (megis ymweliadau a gwibdeithiau) heb fod ganddynt wisg ysgol.
Ni chaniateir dillad anaddas ar gyfer yr ysgol megis sodlau uchel neu drowsus sy’n debygol o achosi’r perchennog i faglu. Gwaherddir dillad gyda negeseuon a logos ynghŷd â ffasiynau drudfawr megis dillad pel droed. Gofynnwn hefyd i chi gadw gwallt eich plentyn mewn lliw a steil naturiol h.y. dim llinellau ac ati yn ystod y tymor ysgol.
We kindly ask that all parents support us with our school uniform policy.
The uniform is as follows:-
Physical Education:-
School uniform can be purchased from Designs & Signs ( 029 20666762) or J.M.Textiles (029 20709688). School reading bags and gym bags can also be purchased there.
For safety reasons no child is permitted to take part in out of school activities such as educational visits and school trips without the school uniform.
Unsuitable clothes for school like high heels and trousers that could cause the child to trip or fall are not permitted nor are clothes with logos, messages or expensive fashion items such as football clothes. We also ask that you keep your child’s hair in a natural colour and style during term time i.e. no tram lines etc.
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