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Siarter Iaith/ Welsh Language Charter

Ers lansio’r Siarter Iaith Gymraeg yn Ysgol Gymraeg Coed-y-Gof mae llawer o waith gwerth chweil wedi digwydd yn ein hysgol.


Nod y Siarter Iaith yw dylanwadu’n bositif ar ddefnydd cymdeithasol plant o’r Gymraeg. Mewn gair, cael y plant i siarad Cymraeg yn naturiol ymysg ei gilydd.


Mae’r Siarter Iaith yn gofyn am gyfranogiad gan bob aelod o gymuned yr ysgol - y cyngor ysgol, y disgyblion, y gweithlu, rhieni, llywodraethwyr a’r gymuned ehangach er mwyn sicrhau perchnogaeth lawn ohoni.


Rydym eisoes wedi ennill y Wobr Efydd (2018) a byddwn yn gweithio'n galed dros y flwyddyn nesaf tuag at y Wobr Arian!


Since the launch of the Welsh Language Charter in Ysgol Gymraeg Coed-y-Gof, many activities have taken place in our school.


The aim of the Siarter Iaith (Language Charter) is to be a positive influence on children's social use of Welsh. In short, to get the children to speak Welsh naturally amongst themselves.


The Siarter Iaith requires the involvement of all members of the school community - the school council, pupils, workforce, parents, governors and the wider community to ensure full ownership of it.


We have already won the Bronze Award for our work and will work towards the Silver Award over the next year!

Dydd Miwsig Cymru 2019

Dilysiad Efydd/ Bronze Award

Llythyr i Rhieni/ Letter to Parents 2019-20

Gwaith Cartref Adran Iau/ Junior Department Homework

Manteision Dwyieithrwydd/ The advantages of Bilingualism


The School's official language is Welsh and all pupils are encouraged and helped to master the language and are expected to use it at all times. Welsh is a core subject and features therefore in each child's curriculum. Welsh is also used as a teaching medium, except during English lessons.


Billingual Students;


  • have a distinct advantage in the job market.
  • find it easier to learn other languages.
  • can contribute to, and benefit from, a bilingual society in Cardiff and beyond.
  • have a stronger sense of identity.
  • value and appreciate other cultures.



Targedau’r Ysgol


Rydym yn gweithio ar 5 targed yn yr ysgol (gyda ffocws penodol ar ddefnydd o'r iaith Gymraeg yn yr ystafell ddosbarth) eleni sydd yn cynnwys:


1. Siarad Cymraeg gyda'r Athro ar bob achlysur.

2. Siarad Cymraeg gyda fy ngrwp.

3.Siarad Cymraeg tra'n ateb cwestiwn o flaen y dosbarth.

4. Siarad Cymraeg gyda ffrind neu phartner wrth y bwrdd.

5. Siarad Cymraeg yn y dosbarth bob amser.


Our Targets


We are working on 5 targets this year, with a specific focus on our use of the Welsh language within the classroom:


1. Speak Welsh with my teacher at all times.

2. Speak Welsh with my group.

3. Speak Welsh whilst answering a question in front of the class.

4. Speak Welsh with my friend or partner at my table.

5. Speak Welsh in class at all times.

Aelodau’r Dreigiau / Members 2017-18

Rhaglenni Teledu/ Television Programmes

Apiau Cymraeg / Welsh Language Apps

Siaradwyr Cymraeg yr Wythnos / Welsh Speakers of the Week

Digwyddiadau / Events