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Croeso / Welcome

Ein nod yw cynnig addysg a gofal o’r safon uchaf mewn awyrgylch hapus, caredig, gweithgar a diogel fel bod pob plentyn, beth bynnag eu gallu, yn cyrraedd eu llawn potensial.

Our aim is to offer the highest standard of education and care in a happy, kind and safe environment, so that each child, whatever their ability, can reach their full potential.

Yng Nghoed-Y-Gof ein bwriad yw creu cymuned ysgol sy’n:
• cynnwys pawb ac sy’n gwerthfawrogi amrywiaeth a chydraddoldeb
• gwerthfawrogi yr unigolyn
• ennyn parch yn y plant at eu hunain ac eraill
• dathlu cyflawniad
• creu ymwybyddiaeth gref o Gymreictod a meithrin balchder yn yr iaith
• paratoi y plant at y cam nesaf yn eu haddysg ac mewn bywyd
• rhoi profiadau cofiadwy a gwerthfawr i pob disgybl

In Coed-Y-Gof our objective is to create a school community that:
• is inclusive and that values diversity and equality
• appreciates the individual
• engenders respect in pupils towards themselves and others
• celebrates achievement
• creates an awareness of ‘Welshness’ and nurtures pride in the language
• prepares the children for the next step in their education and in life
• gives all pupils memorable and valuable experiences


Mrs Carys Prytherch

Pennaeth / Headteacher