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Sex and Relationships



As a school we play a central role in having a positive and sustained impact on children and young people’s sexual health and well-being. The Welsh Assembly Government is fully committed to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and as a result they state that all learners in Wales should receive high quality sex education and relationships education (SRE) as part of their personal and social development.


This policy is based upon the guidelines set in the document ‘Sex and relationships education in schools 2010-2015’ Welsh Assembly Government. According to the 2002 Education Act primary schools must provide sex education as contained within the national curriculum in Wales, however there is no requirement for primary schools to provide sex education as part of the basic curriculum. It is the school’s governing body that has determined how best to approach SRE in accordance with the learners’ needs and the character and the ethos of Ysgol Gymraeg Coed-Y-Gof.


There are clear opportunities to teach SRE within the National Curriculum for example in the science subject order. It is mainly delivered through the Personal and Social Education Framework for 7 to 19 year olds in Wales.


Links with other policies


There are cross-references with other policies:

  • Child protection
  • Anti-bullying
  • Equality and diversity



We educate our pupils about:

  • Physical changes to their bodies as they develop into adults
  • How humans reproduce
  • Respecting their own bodies
  • Importance of family life
  • Moral questions
  • Relationship issues
  • Respect towards other people’s points of view.



Management and organisation of SRE


Before the lessons start it is essential that each class develop a set of ground rules that establish clear parameters regarding what is appropriate and inappropriate in a whole class setting. In turn this will help to create a balance between learners feeling respected and safe, and protecting staff privacy.


All Key Stage 2 classes will follow the lesson plans that are written by the Cardiff Council SRE team and developed by the SRE co-ordinator.

The delivery of the SRE programme


During our SRE lessons we provide a supportive learning environment in which open and non-judgemental discussions about relationships, sex, sexual health and well-being and sexuality can occur.   Showing respect to each others is key to the success of these, the co-ordinator is responsible for delivering these lessons following the strict lessons that have been outlined by Cardiff Council’s SRE team. The lessons will be taught to the appropriate year group in mixed sex classes.


Before the lessons take place, each class will agree to a set of ground rules that creates clear boundaries. These boundaries will reduce the chances of unexpected disclosures or inappropriate comments happening in a whole class setting. This will ensure that staff will not illustrate learning activities with personal experiences.


The content of the SRE programme


The table below shows the key themes and learning objectives for the SRE lessons:


Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Lesson 1 – What makes a good friend

To be aware of the different types of relationships between friends


To develop the skills to be effective in relationships 

Lesson 1 – Family differences

To explore different types of families.


To know who to go to for help and support


To understand that all families are different. 

Lesson 1 - Friendships

To understand that similarities and differences between people contribute to a diversity of friendships and interdependence between friendships


To be able to talk about opinions and explain their views on friendship


To able to resolve differences by looking at alternatives, making decisions and explaining choices.

Lesson 1 – What is love?

To develop positive relationships and values towards the formation of a wide variety of relationships.  

Lesson 2 – Friendships – developing empathy

To learn to be sensitive towards the feelings of others and feel positive about themselves


To make and maintain friendships

Lesson 2 – Human lifecycle

To understand the main stages of the human lifecycle


To understand that as you grow up you change and become more responsible for different things

Lesson 2 – Physical changes at puberty

To understand the physical changes that the body goes through during puberty.


To understand why the body changes at puberty.  

Lesson 2 – Puberty – importance of physical hygiene and emotional changes

To understand how to stay clean during puberty.


To acknowledge how emotions change during puberty.


To know where to get help and support during puberty.  

Lesson 3 – Similarities and differences in male/female

To introduce the concept of male and female and gender stereotypes


To identify differences between males and females.


To be aware that boys and girls can be the same and different 

Lesson 3 – Physical differences between males and females

To describe the physical differences between males and females.


To name the male and female body parts. 

Lesson 3 – Puberty – boys/girls groups

To understand how puberty affects the body and the emotions.


To understand how puberty affects boys and girls differently.


To raise awareness of how to manage physical and emotional changes.  

Lesson 3 – Reproduction

To know how and why body changes during puberty in preparation for reproduction.


To understand how a baby is made.  

Lesson 4 – Appropriate and inappropriate touch

To consider different types of touch that people like and do not like


To understand what is the meaning of personal space


To know ways of dealing with unwanted touch 

Lesson 4 – Growing up and keeping safe

To understand that it is every child’s right to feel safe and secure.


To learn strategies for keeping safe.


To know where to go for support and advice if feeling unsafe and insecure.


Lesson 4 – Puberty – reproductive systems

To ask questions about puberty with confidence.


To understand more detailed words for the reproductive systems  

Lesson 4 – Relationships, conception and pregnancy

To raise awareness of different types of adult relationships with confidence.


To know how babies develop, are born and are fed.  



Child Protection


All staff have the duty to protect learners. If a teacher, health professional or other classroom practitioner hears or sees something during SRE lessons that suggest that a learner is at risk of serious harm or of causing serious harm to others, they must share that information to the designated member of staff who has responsibility for safeguarding and child protection, which is Mr Aled Williams.



Working with parents / carers


Parents/ carers have a central role to play in terms of delivering positive messages to their children about sex and relationships. Before the lessons start, we will inform the parents / carers about the content of the SRE by inviting them to talk about the programme and to provide an opportunity to ask questions to the SRE co-ordinator. In line with the Welsh Assembly Government, parents/carers have a right to withdraw their children from all or part of the SRE provided at the school. If this is the case, parents / carers need to inform the school in writing.


Monitoring and evaluation


The SRE co-ordinator and the head of school will monitor the effectiveness of this policy annually and they will feedback to the schools’ governors. The governors will consider all comments from parents / carers about SRE seriously and they will document any such comments.